One of the problems students face is the way the verb be is used in English since it differs from the way it is used in Spanish. I created a cartoon that shows some of its uses. Let's see if you get the joke!
I'm eager to read your comments!
A blog for learning and having fun
3 comentarios:
Hi, Juan Pablo. When I saw your cartoon of yourself, I had to laugh--a big laugh. It's pretty funny, and it shows me that you can laugh at yourself. I like that.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see the "to be" cartoon. It's too small for my aging eyes to make it out. I wonder if you could enlarge it.
I love the idea behind your blog, Juan Pablo.
Hola Juan Pablo! Tu blog refleja totalmente tu personalidad. Me parece que será un blog muy divertido y que todos visitaremos con frecuencia. Coincido con Nancy en que no se puede leer lo que dice la caricatura, no se si sería posible que pusiera un link y se abriera mucho mas grande o que la agrandaras. Me gusta tu blog y se que siempre habrá algo nuevo y divertido además de útil. Alicia
Hello JP!!! It has been very nice to see your cartoons on line. We know you have been working on these wonderful drawings for our users to have more colorful and funny conversation sessions at our SAC, but now a lot of people will have the opportunity to learn through your cartoons on your blog. I remember you told me that having it would be a good way to show people your cartoons and I agree with it!
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